

为了在急剧变化的商业环境中实现十大赌博娱乐平台的长期愿景, 同时赢得利益相关者的信任和信心,因为十大赌博娱乐平台达到了期望, 十大赌博娱乐平台必须以积极果断的态度承担风险. 为此目的, 十大赌博娱乐平台认识到,十大赌博娱乐平台在增强集团韧性的同时管理风险的能力至关重要. 记住这一点, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将风险管理定位为其管理的关键基础.

十大赌博娱乐平台的风险管理方法而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台理解在风险和危机发生之前和之后以综合方式进行管理的迫切需要. 同时确保一个重要问题不被忽视, this approach will allow us to engage in agile risk management and centralize efforts aimed at preventing and minimizing the impact of risks and crises when they occur.

  • 09-58
  • 看到 在这里 查阅更多有关甲乙类制度和措施的资料;
  • 看到 在这里 浏览更多有关C和D措施的资料.


在过去, we have focused on identifying and responding to risks in each business and 组织 (bottom-up approach) in accordance with the characteristics of the Group, 哪一个有各种各样的业务和业务类别. 根据目前的中期管理计划, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在遵循同样的方法, while at the same time adopting and reinforcing a top-down structure and system to identify risks that could lead to serious Group-wide incidents (significant Group-wide risks).
根据下一个中期管理计划, we will work to strengthen our global risk detection capabilities while enhancing our risk mitigation capabilities through the combined efforts of each business, 组织, 以及专门的总部部门.


2019财年末,在2019冠状病毒病爆发之后, Corporate Headquarters took the lead in developing and renewing BCPs for all 组织s while putting in place a BCM system under the current Medium-term Management Plan.
根据下一个中期管理计划, 十大赌博娱乐平台将努力建立自主培训计划,同时对每个组织进行审查,不断提高绩效.


根据目前的中期管理计划, 十大赌博娱乐平台努力把地震的影响降到最低, 大流行, 将BCP的建立率和开工率作为KPI. 因此,十大赌博娱乐平台实现了BCP(初始响应)开工率100%的目标(PDCA建立)。.


  • 05-13


从2022财年开始, the officers in charge with specialized expertise from each Corporate Headquarters have attended meetings of the Group-wide Risk Review Subcommittee. 根据内外环境的变化, officers deliberated on whether or not to correct or modify serious Group-wide risks identified in fiscal 2022 and whether or not their consequences or likelihood of occurring have changed. The results of deliberations by the Subcommittee as well as various measures to reduce risks are discussed by the Sustainability Committee and then reported to the Board of Directors. 它们也反映在每个组织的2023财年风险管理行动计划中.


随着企业经营的商业环境变得越来越不确定和复杂, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台认为,提高员工的风险敏感性对于妥善处理此类风险至关重要. 在此基础上, 集团持续按照国际风险管理标准ISO 31000运行PDCA循环. 通过强制全面揭示与每个组织的业务目标相关的各种风险, 从后果和发生可能性的角度对这些风险进行量化, ensure that dedicated offices in Corporate Headquarters identify serious Group-wide major risks that could lead to a serious Group-wide incident—in the five fields of safety, 质量, 会计, 法律与道德, 〇信息管理, 并通过组织风险管理活动进行评估, we established an ERM system that is shared and managed within the Group and are continuously verifying the effectiveness of ERM by reviewing uncertainties on a regular basis.
从2023财年开始, the overseas regional headquarters will identify risks specific to each overseas region and conduct assessments at divisional companies in each region together with serious Group-wide major risks while promoting risk management activities by specialized area in a similar manner as in Japan.



在日益复杂的外部和内部环境中, 准确评估未来可能出现的风险是极其困难的. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台认为,提高员工的风险敏感性对于妥善处理此类风险至关重要, 集团持续运行PDCA循环,符合国际风险管理标准ISO 31000.
这些活动于2011财年在27个组织中启动,主要是业务部门. 参与这些行动的组织数量每年都在增加, 达到170个, 包括日本和海外子公司,占2022财年合并销售额的99%. 活动也在R中扎根&所有事业部公司的D个事业部.

  • 09-59




明确集团作为一个整体应该为哪些风险做好准备, 在组织特定的风险管理和集团范围的风险管理方面, 十大赌博娱乐平台将这些大致归类为商业环境, 战略, 操作风险, 并对每个类别进行进一步的细分,以便全面识别风险.
基于不同的风险准则进行组织特定风险管理和集团范围风险管理, we quantitatively assess the risk level for each of the identified risks using a risk matrix that combines results and likelihood of occurrence.


  • 1.
    • 主要市场趋势
    • 汇率、利率和资产价值的波动
    • 原材料价格波动和采购
    • 大地震、自然灾害、工业事故
    • 气候变化和环境问题(资源枯竭、水、海洋塑料)
    • 政治与社会(政治变革/恐怖主义)
    • COVID-19传播的影响
  • 2.
    • M&A /新业务/ R&D
  • 3.
    • 信息管理(信息泄露/技术信息外流)
    • 质量(负责制成品/重大质量问题)
    • 安全(火灾和爆炸/重大工作场所事故/有害物质泄漏)
    • Laws / Compliance / Human Rights (unethical or criminal behavior / violations of the Monopolies Act or fraudulent transactions / unauthorized overwriting of data / bribery / harassment / environmental regulations, 等.)
    • 知识产权(知识产权纠纷)


  • 05-11


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在努力通过与风险管理(公司新员工)相关的基于级别的培训来培养风险文化, 新任命的管理人员, 风险管理人员*).
自2017财年以来每年, we have been conducting risk management training for newly appointed risk managers (persons responsible for duties related to risk management activities in their respective 组织s). 在2022财年,有22人接受了培训,迄今为止,参与者累计总数为265人.


  • 09-64


  • 09-63


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根据它在东日本大地震中的经验, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台 carried out a full-scale overhaul of its crisis management system in fiscal 2011 and has been enhancing that system and its mechanisms ever since. 危机管理活动按照娱乐大发澳门赌博平台危机管理指南进行. A crisis management liaison committee consisting of each Corporate Headquarters’ group and divisional company representatives holds regular meetings to review case studies and conduct training.
具体地说, 通过由整个集团的初期反应总部成员参加的演习, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在审查《十大赌博娱乐平台》,并确认协调工作.
十大赌博娱乐平台每年向所有员工提供紧急情况初始反应程序手册, 这样他们就可以在紧急情况下采取适当的行动. 此外, 2019财年,十大赌博娱乐平台安装了多种形式的安全确认系统, 包括所有员工的工作手机, 它能在紧急情况下快速确认十大赌博娱乐平台员工的安全.
关于防止传染病蔓延的措施, 2020年3月,十大赌博娱乐平台启动了传染病应急工作队, set up a special page dealing with infectious diseases on the Company intranet and have been working to disseminate action guidelines and share strategies on how best to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. 员工的安全是十大赌博娱乐平台的首要任务, 以及在本集团内确认有感染者时, 十大赌博娱乐平台一直在努力及时评估形势,及时向有关各方通报信息. 结果是, 直到2022年9月传染病紧急工作组解散, 没有对商业造成重大影响.

危机管理活动- bcp(业务连续性计划)的实施

BCP被定位为支持业务战略的基本工具. 因此, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台, 谁采用公司制度使其从事的业务范围更广, 已经确定了每个业务部门负责人(业务部门负责人)的基本姿态, 商业公司的总裁, 等.)分别确定BCP的必要性, 根据他们所从事的业务的具体情况, and is promoting the formulation of business continuity plans and implementation of business continuity management (BCM) based on ISO 22301, 实施BCM的标准. 鉴于最近威胁的数量有所增加, as well as the growing need to determine how to continue operations in the event of a medium- to long-term loss of key management resources, 并为这样的事件做好准备, in fiscal 2021 the Group revised the wording and formulated its initial response plan (ERP) that places the protection of human life as the highest priority at all 组织s as a Group-wide initiative. 除了, major business 组织s throughout the Group implemented efforts to put in place resource-based all-hazard BCPs to address every type of crisis event. 2022财年, 十大赌博娱乐平台宣布所有相关组织都必须进行桌面培训, 验证初始响应计划(ERP)文件的有效性并对其进行修订, 完成了BCM循环中的PDCA循环. 除了, 每个部门公司的总裁都会出席, 十大赌博娱乐平台还进行了一次特遣部队联合演习,旨在提高各司公司的应变能力. 在未来几年,十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是在每个活动组织中建立自主的BCM运营. 让这些努力继续下去, 即使在可能威胁到业务继续的紧急情况下, we will minimize losses to our 组织 and customers while continuing to fulfill our social responsibilities as a company by responding quickly and restoring important functions as soon as possible.

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  • 日本版

  • 英语版


  • 05-14


根据《十大赌博娱乐平台》, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将世界划分为六个危机管理区域. 海外危机管理办公室(风险管理小组), ESG管理部(ESG Management Department)在与商务旅行者共享危机管理信息方面发挥着核心作用, 外籍人士, 以及当地雇员, alerting them in a timely manner and instructing them on travel restrictions in addition to other activities in emergency and non-emergency situations. 随着集团海外分支机构的数量逐年增加, we established Regional Headquarters in each of the four main regions and appointed the person responsible for the Regional Headquarters as the Regional Head. 在危机事件中, 区域负责人和海外危机管理办公室将共同努力,收集信息并采取初步行动. We have also established a highly specialized support framework in coordination with our security assistance and medical assistance partners. 另外, 集团为外派员工在外派前举办培训课程, 为出差员工提供出差前电子学习, 提供以传染病为重点的国别培训, 并对员工进行危机管理的基础知识和具体对策的教育.

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  • 韩国版